Thursday, June 25, 2020

Raspberry pi - Install the docker

The post is for those who have raspberry pi original model and want to install docker on that.

First check whether docker is installed on your raspberry pi or not. Verify the docker installation by running the command below.

docker run -rm hello world
If the verification fails the docker needs to be installed on the raspberry pi.
There are scripts available to support the installation of docker here at
Use the command below to install using the scripts.
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
The output would look something like the following:
# Executing docker install script, commit: 26ff363bcf3b3f5a00498ac43694bf1c7d9ce16c
+ sh -c apt-get update -qq >/dev/null
+ sh -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -qq apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl >/dev/null
+ sh -c curl -fsSL "" | apt-key add -qq - >/dev/null
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
+ sh -c echo "deb [arch=armhf] stretch stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+ sh -c apt-get update -qq >/dev/null
+ [ -n  ]
+ sh -c apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends docker-ce >/dev/null
+ sh -c docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           19.03.12
 API version:       1.40
 Go version:        go1.13.10
 Git commit:        48a6621
 Built:             Mon Jun 22 15:53:00 2020
 OS/Arch:           linux/arm
 Experimental:      false

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          19.03.12
  API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.13.10
  Git commit:       48a6621
  Built:            Mon Jun 22 15:47:00 2020
  OS/Arch:          linux/arm
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.2.13
  GitCommit:        7ad184331fa3e55e52b890ea95e65ba581ae3429
  Version:          1.0.0-rc10
  GitCommit:        dc9208a3303feef5b3839f4323d9beb36df0a9dd
  Version:          0.18.0
  GitCommit:        fec3683
If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

WARNING: Adding a user to the "docker" group will grant the ability to run
         containers which can be used to obtain root privileges on the
         docker host.
         Refer to
         for more information.
Add your user to the docker group so that docker can be run without the super user permission.
sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Now run the verification script and your docker should run.

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