Monday, June 15, 2020

Raspberry pi - Desktop access via VNC

A lot has changed since the last time i blogged about the raspberry pi. The Raspbian OS has been renamed to raspberry OS. They have completely dropped support for the Composite Display. They have reached to version raspberry pi zero with integrated wireless. A lot.

So this post will be somewhat shorter.

This is a small post that captures how to enabled the VNC in the raspberry pi. 
You will need a VNC Viewer installed on your host for the same.

The raspbian has an inbuilt support for the VNC. Has a VNC server build into it. The desktop access over VNC is just a matter of allowing VNC server to run.

The VNC Server can be activated by going into the raspi-config
sudo raspi-config

Going to interfacing

Select and Enable VNC. Once that is done it is as easy as opening the VNC viewer putting in the IP and voila there is a desktop connection.

The desktop would look something like the following:

That's all folks.

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