Thursday, December 20, 2018

Embedded System Podcast - Episode 6 The Build Process

The Build Process.

In this episode I talk about something basic. The generation of an executable for a target system from a source code. This short bit marks the 6th Episode in my Embedded System Podcast.

Though the entire process is automated it is useful to know this information hope it helps.

Thanks and Regards,

Raspberry Pi - Raspi Config Description

Raspi-Config is a raspberry pi configuration tool. It can be launched by typing the command as follows:
sudo raspi-config

Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2 - Raspi-Config
Lets dwell into its options.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Raspberry Pi - Installing the Essentials

To make use of Raspberry pi it is required to have certain tool arsenal installed in your pi. This post covers what i commonly use.
  1. Updating Existing Packages
  2. AMP Stack
  3. Python 2.7 (Yes i have not updated to Python 3 yet. Because laziness)
I will make this quick and short. So lets get started.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Raspberry Pi - Setup Using Raspbian Image

Apart from doing setup using NOOBS. We have an option of writing the Raspbian directly on the SD Card. This post covers how to do the same on Windows.

Actually I find this quite simple and easy to use as compared to NOOBS. It is just a two step process.
1 - Get Official Raspbian Image
2 - Install and Use Win32 Disk Imager to write to the SD Card

Friday, November 9, 2018

Raspberry Pi - Setup using NOOBS

I never saw myself writing this post. But i have done this so many times that i now think i should just put it out there, just another setup post. 

NOOBS is short for New Out Of the Box Software. This is where all the beginners of Raspberry Pi should start with. The easy installer can be downloaded as a zip file or using a Torrents from the link.

It has two version offline installer and an online installer. If your raspberry pi is connected to the internet the online installer can be used that takes a very minimum space on the SD Card. The entire selected OS will be downloaded from the internet connection. If your raspberry pi is not connected to the internet than an offline installer should be used that comes pre-loaded with Raspbian and LibreELEC. 

Raspbian is one all the beginers should start their Raspberry Pi Experience with. It is the official support OS by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. More info can be read from here. It is extensively covered by the raspberry pi foundation website and makes no sense to reiterate the information here.

There is a way to load the raspbian image directly on the SD Card without using the NOOBS but i will get to that in a later post. (Hopefully)

The setup is a 3 step process.

  1. Step - 1 Format the SD Card
  2. Step - 2 Load the NOOBs
  3. Step - 3 Installing Raspbian

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Embedded System Podcast - Episode 5 Verification and Validation of Embedded Software

Pizzas and Discussion. Having a rough couple of months and to add to that suffering from writers block. Thanks to Naishan Patel and Mohit Chand. They came together to support and record a fun episode where we discuss the Verification and Validation that goes on in the Embedded Software.

Hoping to have a further in depth discussion with Naishan and Mohit on variety of topics. Hope to see you guys back for the next recording.

If any listeners want to connect with them they can follow the link and connect with them on linkedin or just say high.

Show notes to follow soon.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

C28x Piccolo Vs Delfino Comparison

The common question that everybody has is what is the difference between Piccolo and Delfino that is used alongside the C2000 Texas DSP.

The delfino is name is associated with the high performance line of DSP having a Floating Point Unit. This include Family of TMS320F2833x, TMS320F2834x and TMS320F2837xD. Typically delfino's have more pins, more peripherals, more memory and faster CPU's.

The piccolo is generally considered by Texas as a roadmap for all the F280x series. This includes family of TMS320F2802x, TMS320F2803x, and TMS320F2806x. Typically piccolo have less pin count, reduced number of peripherals and a slower CPU. 

Apart from the clock speed and reduced pin count both the delfino and piccolo have the exact same C28x Architecture at the core. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Embedded System Podcast - Episode 4 Discussing Embedded System

An unplanned and impromptu discussion with one of my colleagues. Here we try and discuss the basics of the embedded system. How the architecture comes into being. The basic architectures, discussing the Program Memory, Data Memory, Control Unit and Arithmetic and Logical Unit.

Pretty basic information hopes it helps. Haven't verified what has been discussed. Lets see if I made any mistake during explanation.

Give it a thumbs up and share if you like. Will be launching on iTunes soon.

Hope this helps.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Introduction to Code Composer Studio - Creating your First Project

Obvious is not that obvious. One of my friends wanted to learn CCS and work on C2000. While teaching him the same it came to my realization that some of the most obvious things are not that obvious to the first timers. So here in this post i try to capture the question and process i followed to catch him up with the CCS and C2000.

Before we jump in making something with C2000 lets understand what is the IDE(Integrated Development Environment) that is the Code Composer Studio. Lets see how we can make first project in it and understand the workspace and paths that are assigned to it.

Friday, March 2, 2018

200th Post: Lets set the goals for the future

Wow. Cant believe reached this landmark post. It is even difficult to believe that the blog survived for this long. So I must have done something right. 

I started this blog in around November 2010 just for fun and see what blogging actually is. It took a while for my blog to grow to this level where now i consistently get close to 15k views a month (not bad for a writer of my skill level). I started because I wanted to really learn embedded system and the best way to learn is to write about it. I believe that when you write about it you make sure that you are factually and technically correct. Cause once it is on the internet it is always on the interner. 

I have learned a lot more in past 4 years and would soon be sharing all the information. I have learnt about C2000 and C6000 architecture. I have programmed DSPs for Power Electronics applications especially for Power Converters. I have programmed MCUs for train. Have done a lot of fun stuff which has solidify my passion for engineering. Published papers and what not. 

On the professional front the volatility of my movement have slowed down and this year i have decided to revisit my roots and start consistent blogging again. A post per day I will. (Lol lets see how much that is possible.) Why am i even sharing this i dont think that anyone will read this. Anywho its my blog and i can write whatever i want. I am at a junction in professional front where i will need to think how i want to move forward and what i want to do professionally. I am hoping that  revisiting my root will give me a clarity. 

So let me set my goals from this day onward.
1 - Complete the Embedded System Podcast 10 episode series.
2 - Texas Instruments DSP Tutorials
3 - Continue with the M3 DSP Tutorials

Let see which of the three goals i achieve first. I got a writers block while doing the embedded system podcast. Hoping that will end soon. I have no clue how to best represent the idea and facts behind the architecture that i want to discuss on the podcast. Hopefully i will find something good and share it with the world.

Anywho Let me close this iconic 200th post which i never thought would happen. Best of luck to me.
Logging 2 March 2018 the 200th Post for this blog.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

PS: If you find this post cliche and not relevant. Well to bad for you cause this is my blog. Lol. Here is something you will probably enjoy. The piano playing cat. This was a fad way back in 2009.