Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Data conversion in 8051 C

Packed BCD to ASCII

What to do??
Say number be 28
First separate 2 to get 02.
Second separate 8 to get 08.
Now add 30 to both to get 32 and 38 respectively.
Hence these are our ascii values.
void main()
                unsigned char x,y,z;
                unsigned char bytemy = 0x28;
                x = mybyte & 0x0F;     //mask lower 4 bits
                P1 = x | 0x30;         //make it ascii
                y = mybyte & 0xF0;     //mask upper 4 bits
                y = y >> 4;            //shift it to lower 4 bits
                P2 = y | 0x30;         //make it ascii
}// end of main
end of program

ASCII to Packed BCD.

What to do??
Say we have 2 ascii numbers 02 and 08.
We need to get say 28.
So shift 02 to 20.
Add 08 to it.
Hence this is our packed BCD.
void main()
                unsigned char myBCD;
                unsigned char x = '2',y='8';
                x = x & 0x0F;       //mask lower 4 bits just in case.
                x = x << 4;            //shift 4 left to make it upper digit
                y = y & 0x0F;       //just in case
                myBCD = x | y;  //combine to make BCD
                P1 = myBCD;
}// end of main
// end of program

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Blog


    Manoj Singh
