Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Programming LCD (basics)

Few Points for programming LCD.
>> Rs register select pin.
If RS = 0 command code register is selected or opened allowing user to send commands.
If RS = 1 data register is selected or opened allowing user to send data.

>> As LCD runs on a lower clock speed therefore proper DELAY should be provided after every command write and data write.
Usually a 255D delay is more than enough.

>> Enable pin. E. when data is supplied to data pins a high to low pulse must be applied to pin in order to latch data to

LCD pin. This must be a minimum of 450nS wide.

Steps to send command and data.
38h initialize LCD
0Eh display on cursor on.
01h clear LCD
06h shift cursor right
84h position the cursor.
now send data.

for LCD program see the next post

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