Sunday, March 28, 2021

Embedded System Podcast - Episode 11 - Version Control


The Version Control Basics 

 In the come back episode i try to remember the settings for the microphone :D. Try to give a brief introduction about the subversion version control. I also introduce my open source project WebSVN, a free repository viewer for subversion. Hosted on github where one can raise its issues and request features for the same. Thanks and Regards

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Writing Pre-Commit Hook Scripts in Python for Subversion

It is pretty simple to write hook scripts for subversion in python even without using the subversion library. 

Here in this post i show how i wrote a pre-commit hook script to tackle three of the requirements.

  1. Length of the commit message should not be less than 50 characters
  2. The log message should have the work item id written so the commit can be linked to the work items in the Rational Change and Configuration Management Tool
  3. As the repository will only contain python scripts so nothing else should be committed into it.
  4. The changes should be recorded in the work item id mentioned.