Monday, August 24, 2020

Embedded System Podcast - Episode - 10 Commit Log Policing

One or the other time there is always something, some first thing that you do in your career. That you have seen all the time but never have done yourself before. 

That is what i am going to talk about today. It is called commit Log policing.

You are going to do this daily if you are the repository admin or responsible for entire code. But there will always be the very first time you are going to write something that does the policing for the entire team. This is my story of me first time writing the policing rules. 

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pre-Commit Hook Scripts in Subversion

It is not everyday i get to implement policing in corporate environment. But it is also something that is required all the time. It is when your team is induced with more and more new people it becomes difficult to monitor what is being committed and how it is being committed. 

One of the key things the committed code is evaluated is via relation of the change with what it has been changed. This is achieved usually by breaking down the implementation into smaller chunks and committing it against the issue id.

The issue id is usually put in the log message with a commit message descriptive enough to let you know what the change is for and what it does. It is tricky to write a good enough commit message. Either it is too short, it is too long or well it serves no purpose.

This is the reason it is absolutely important to know against what the commit has been done. Hence these pre-commit checks.