Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Schematics – The Review

Well I am very lazy about making schematics and all that boring paperwork stuff. So I am just gonna provide the reviews of various schematics out available on the internet.  I just see the datasheet and do connection skipping the paperwork. I have also noticed that though there are lots of schematics but no review post!! Surprising. Well so here is one…

GLCD Schematic from All About Embedded System
This one is taken from All about embedded system. This is the most basic,compact and port efficient non spi connection one can make. This is almost the one I have done except that I kept Vout, RST and Vo open.  It will work either way as I had no need for those three pins.  Data bus goes to one port and control pins to other making it easier to work with standard company libraries of the controller.(Here in this case ks0108).
GLCD Schematic from ScienceProject
This one is a complete circuit diagram for an avr board containing ISP, Serial Port,3 adc pin out and glcd connection. This is actually a proper most perfect schematic I have seen. Here Databus of glcd is connected at Port C, CS1, CS2, EN, RW and D/I are connected to PA4, PA3, PA2, PA1 and PA0. Here the rest of Port A pins PA5,PA6 and PA7 are outputted to be used as ADC. This is a nice but a more efficient one has been made by guys at extremeelectronics. The one at extremeelectronics is basically a GLCD centric Development Board.
The GLCD Based Development Board from extremeelectronics

  if in your application gui plays a major role than this is the board that one should prefer cause it is glcd centric has all essential keys and easy to program using progfx library created by exteremeelectronics.