Sunday, February 26, 2012

Difference between MAX and MIN mode

Maximum mode
Minimum Mode
When MN/MX(bar) low 8086 is in maximum mode.
When MN/MX(bar) high 8086 is in minimum mode.
In maximum mode 8086 generates QS1,QS0,S0(bar),S1(bar),S2(bar), LOCK(bar),RQ(bar)/GT1,RQ(bar)/GT0 control signals.
In minimum mode 8086 generates INTA(bar), ALE, DEN(bar), DT/R(bar), M/IO(bar), HLDA,HOLD and WR(bar) control signals.
So clearly there are multiple processors in the system.
There is only one processor in the system minimum mode.
Whereas in maximum mode interfacing, master/slave and multiplexing and several such control signals are required

In maximum mode a bus controller is required to produce control signals. This bus controller produces MEMRDC, MEMWRC, IORDC, IOWRC, ALE, DEN, DT/R control signals.
In minimum mode no interfacing or master/slave signals is required.

In minimum mode direct RD WR signals can be used. No bus controller required. A simple demultiplexer would do the job. of producing the control signals. This demultiplexer produces MEMRD, MEMWR, IORD, IOWR control signals.
Maximum mode 8086 system

Minimum mode 8086 System

Pin configuration 8086 and 8088

8086 Microprocessor
8088 Microprocessor
16 bit data bus
8 bit data bus
See Figure

See Figure

Has M/IO
Has IO/M

Pin Explanation

AD7-AD0 : address/data bus(multiplexed)
memory address or I/O port no : whenever ALE = 1
data : whenever ALE = 0
high-impedance state : during a hold acknowledge

AD15-AD8 : address/data bus(multiplexed)
memory address bits A15-A8 : whenever ALE = 1
data bits D15-D8 : whenever ALE = 0
high-impedance state : during a hold acknowledge

A19/S6-A16/S3 : address/status bus(multiplexed)
memory address A19-A16, status bits S6-S3
S6 : always remain a logic 0
S5 : indicate condition of IF flag bits
S4, S3 : show which segment is accessed during current bus cycle(Table 9-4)
S4, S3 : can used to address four separate 1M byte memory banks by decoding them as A21, A20

Function of Status bit S3 and S4
Extra Segment
Stack Segment
Code or no Segment
Data Segment

RD(bar) : read signal
data bus receive data from memory or I/O device :RD’=0

µ enter into wait states and remain idle : READY = 0

INTR : interrupt request
used to request a hardware interrupt
if INTR is held high when IF = 1 : µ enter interrupt acknowledge cycle(INTA’ become active) after current instruction has complete execution

TEST(bar)(BUSY(bar)) : tested by the WAIT instruction
WAIT instruction function as a NOP : if TEST’= 0
WAIT instruction wait for TEST’ to become 0:if TEST’=1

NMI : non-maskable interrupt
similar to INTR except that no check IF flag bit
if NMI is activated : use interrupt vector 2

µ : reset  if RESET held high for a minimum of four clock
CLK(CLOCK) : provide basic timing to µ
duty cycle of 33%

VCC(power supply) : +5.0V, ±10%

GND(Ground) : two pins labeled GND

MN/MX(bar) : select either minimum or maximum mode (HIGH for minimum mode)

BHE(bar)/S7 : bus high enable
status of S7 : always a logic 1
BHE=0 at least one byte of current transfer is to be made AD15-AD8 ( HIGHER ORDER BYTE)

IO/M(bar)(8088) or M/IO(bar)(8086) : select memory or I/O
address bus : whether memory or I/O port address

WR(bar) : write signal(high impedance state during hold ack).
strobe that indicate that output data to memory or I/O
during WR(bar)=0 : data bus contains valid data for M or I/O

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why segmentation was done in 8086??

The segment requires only a 16 bit number to represent the base address for a segment, and only a 16 bit offset to access any location in a segment. This means 8086 has to manipulate and store only 16 bit quantities instead of 20 bit quantities. This makes for an eaiser interface with 8 and 16 bit memory boards.

Another reason is the type of micro computer in which 8086 is been likely to be used. It is made for timesharing microcomputer system. In this several users share a CPU. The CPU works on one users program for say 20ms then shifts to another user program say again for 20ms then it comes back to the first user. So point is it keeps constantly switching for new code and new data.

Segmentation makes this process of switching very easy for processor. Each users program can be assigned a separate set of logical segments for its code and data.

So in short segmentation makes it easy to keep users programs and data separate from each other, making switching easy.

The pointer and index register in execution unit

The execution unit contains a 16 bit Base Pointer register. It also contains a 16 bit Source Index register and a 16 bit Destination Index register. These 3 register can be used for the temporary storage of data just as the general purpose register.

Their main use is to hold the 16 bit offset of a data word in one of the segment.
Say for example SI is used for holding the offset of data word in data segment.

The Instruction Pointer in 8086

The code segment register holds the upper 16 bits of the starting address of the segment from which the BIU is currently fetching the instruction code byte.

Now the instruction pointer comes in picture. This register is responsible for holding the 16 bit offset, of the next code byte within this code segment.
The value contained in the IP is referred to as the offset because this value must be “offset” from(added to)the segment base address in code segment to produce the required 20 bit physical address sent out by the BIU. Get it?? No. Then let’s repeat again.

Address given to processor(16 bit) – but processor smart – see it adds lower 4bits to the 16 bit to attain 20 bit physical address – to comprehend its smartness they created an oversmart personalty called IP – this oversmart guy stores the 16 bit number that when added to last known instruction address gives us a new instruction address – as BIU is IP’s boss so he goes away with the credit leaving a super smart IP high and dry.

See example.
Say an instruction 16  bit address is 3432H.
The smart processor guess that instruction is at address 34320H. Voila he is right. But he doesn’t know where is the next address.
Here enters our hero IP. He is so smart that he knows next instruction is at 45431H. so what he does is stores 1111H in his memory.
So when asked by BIU (his boss) where is the next instruction. He gives him the value that needed to be added to get 45431H. yes he gives 1111H.

34320H + 1111H = 45431H.
BIU fetches instruction and provide it to the processor for execution.

See this is how 8086 fetches instruction.